Friday, July 29, 2005

More Massachusetts Same-Sex "Marriage" Idiocy

Kathleen Parker, writing for Jewish World Review (and who I'd like to be when I grow up) starts out with a bang and follows through beautifully. Her column today exposes not just the idiocy of same-sex "marriage" but the dangers it presents to children — who, as Parker writes, have become "thingified" throughout our culture.

"The slippery slope that wasn't supposed to happen once same-sex marriage was granted is making Everest jealous.

"In Massachusetts this week, Gov. Mitt Romney has been butting heads with same-sex couples over birth certificates for their newborns. I'll give you a minute to wrap your mind around that concept.

After you take that minute — it is a rather tough concept to grasp, isn't it? — check out the rest of Parker's article here.