Monday, October 31, 2005

All Saints, All Family!

On November 1 we honor all saints...our brothers and sisters!

Yeah, sure, we don't know that all of our deceased friends and family members have entered the Kingdom. But what we do know is that those who have are our relatives...our siblings!

We're all of us children of God our Father. Ergo (I love using words like "ergo") the saints in Heaven are our brothers and sisters. It's sorta like a family reunion!

And, during this month of November, there's no need to fear about those we're not sure have been purified enough to enter Heaven. Heaven's no! This month, especially, has been set aside by Holy Mother Church to pray especially for the holy souls in Purgatory — a favorite intention of mine, and I hope yours.

So, enjoy November — our family month. Thank the saints...

...excuse me, a parenthetical comment is coming up here...

(and by the way, when I say "saints," I know that you know that I don't mean I'm talking just about those who have been canonized by the Church...I'm talking about all of God's children who have, since time was created by our God, have entered into everlasting glory...canonized or not)

...for showing us the way, and for interceding for us.

Ask them, too, to pray for those who are waiting to be purified enough to behold the Beatific Vision! In other words, devote this month in praying for those souls in Purgatory. And as long as we're at it, ask the saints to pray for us! I don't think I'm being selfish or greedy here, do you?

After all...when the saints go marching in, don't we want to be in their number?