Friday, October 07, 2005

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

With the exception, of course, of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Rosary is probably the most powerful prayer we can offer.

Today we celebrate "Our Lady of the Rosary"...a feast given to us by Pope Saint Pius V 'way back in 1573. For centuries, the entire Rosary consisted of 150 recitations of the Ave Maria ("Hail, Mary"), in a series of 15 "decades." These decades were divided in 3 sets of "mysteries:"

The Joyful Mysteries, which reflect on the joyous occasions in Mary's life, and give us a glimpse into the otherwise "hidden life" of the Child Jesus;

The Sorrowful Mysteries, which allow us to meditate of the redemptive Passion of Our Lord and Savior;

The Glorious Mysteries, which are reflections on the events following the Victory of the Cross — from the Resurrection to the Coronation of Mary, as Queen of Heaven and all of God's creation.

In 2002, His Holiness John Paul II gave us 5 additional decades to the Rosary:

The Luminous Mysteries (or "The Mysteries of Light"). These allow us to more fully reflect on the public life of Jesus...from His baptism by John in the Jordan, to His institution of the Blessed Sacrament — His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine.

There are many good websites devoted to the Rosary. Here is one I hope you enjoy.

"Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us."