Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's a Catholic Crossword Puzzle After All!

Last Friday, I "confessed" that I've made crossword puzzles for publications like the New York Times. My work has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Simon & Schuster Crossword Puzzle Books, Games Magazine, the Los Angeles Times and others.

But what I really enjoy is making puzzles for my parish and other friends, based on Sunday Scripture Readings.

Folks who don't belong to my parish get them via e-mail in a format called "Across Lite." The software is FREE, easy to use, and available for quick download here. You can solve the puzzle on your computer, or you can print it off and solve it with a pen or pencil.

If you'd like to receive these weekly, 15 x 15 crossword puzzles, use the "Email Kelly" link on the left and let me know!