Tuesday, July 25, 2006

One year ago today (gee, and to think I missed it!)

Like Rosa Parks whose refusal to sit in the back of the bus ignited the civil rights movement, Roman Catholic women priests are redefining priesthood and claiming full equality for women in the church.

On July 25, 2005, nine Roman Catholic women were ordained deacons and priests by three women bishops. Sailing down the sparkling international waters of the St. Lawrence Seaway, the boat symbolized the church floating in the waters of divine love, calling forth the gifts of women to equal ministry.

If you've already digested your dinner — thoroughly! — you might revisit This Historical Event.

You know, I've prayed for this women and plan to continue doing so, but I can't help wonder...why the bleep are they so (a) "of a certain age" and (b) uh...evidently not concerned overmuch about their personal appearance? And I don't mean they're born ugly...I'm sure they were not. To me it looks as if they want to look as unattractive as possible! Why is that, do you suppose?