Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Marinated mushrooms...the secret is revealed!

Tomorrow, God willing, I plan to embark on the concocting of a Thanksgiving delicacy which never fails to bring acclaim from those fortunate enough to experience this savory appetizer.

After much thought, I have decided to share the secret of this incredible masterpiece...only with my fellow pewsters. One word of warning: those who taste this sumptious treat will beg you for more...moreover, they will beg you for the recipe.

Be strong! Share this secret only with your closest friends...as I have decided to do with you.

For safety's sake, I am inserting "spoiler space" before revealing the secret. (You never know who might come along and unworthily confiscate it!)

And so, without further ado, those of you who are willing to scroll down the necessary length to obtain this treasure beyond price may do so...

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[almost there!]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[hang in there!]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]

[marinated mushooms spoiler]


Hi, there!

Here's what you do, the day or night before serving.

1.) Buy a bunch of mushrooms.
2.) Cover them with the cheapest bottle of Italian dressing you can find and seal in in a bowl.
3.) If it makes you feel more virtuous, give the bowl(s) a shake once in a while.
4.) Drain 'em in a colander, place 'em on decent looking plates, and modestly accept the compliments.