Friday, July 06, 2007

Summorum Pontificum to be released 7-7-07 (and no, it's not anti-Semitic, sheesh)

The Vatican press office announced today the Pope's letter issued "motu proprio," on his own initiative, is titled "Summorum Pontificum," and will be released Saturday at noon, accompanied by an explanatory letter.

Several media reports erroneously contend that the letter could in effect reinstate a prayer offensive to Jews from the Good Friday liturgy of the Tridentine Mass, which dates back to 1570. The prayer stated: "Oremus et pro perfidies Judaeis" (Let us pray for the perfidious Jews).

On the first Good Friday after his election to the papacy in 1959, Pope John XXIII eliminated the adjective "perfidious" from the prayer. Since then the expression "Let us pray for the Jews" has been used.

More at Zenit.

(Personally, I can't imagine why anybody would play the anti-Semitic card about this document.)

Gloria in excelcis Deo! Et oremus pro invicem.