Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Denver, Democrats, and how minorities are offended

From today's Zenit:

A new Planned Parenthood clinic in a minority neighborhood of Denver should be taken as an offense, affirmed the archbishop of the city.

Archbishop Charles Chaput said this at a prayer vigil and march at the site of Planned Parenthood's new clinic in a primarily Latino and African-American suburb of Denver.

The archbishop was joined by a niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., Alveda King; Reverend Willard Johnson, pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church; and Denver's Auxiliary Bishop James Conley.

"Here in America, and especially here tonight, we need to remember two basic truths," Archbishop Chaput said.

"Here's the first truth," he said. "Society has an obligation -- and Christians have a Gospel duty -- to provide adequate and compassionate support for unwed and abandoned mothers; women facing unintended pregnancies; and women struggling with the aftermath of an abortion. It's not enough to talk about 'pro-life politics.' The label 'pro-life' demands that we work to ensure social policies that will protect young woman and families, and help them generously in their need.

"Here's the second truth. Killing an unborn child is never the right answer to a woman's or society's problems. Acts of violence create a culture of violence -- and abortion is the most intimate form of violence there is. It wounds the woman, it kills the unborn child and it poisons the roots of justice and charity that bind us all into one human family."

After listening to the 42nd president of the United States address his fellow Democrats; after hearing his wife address them's good to hear the truth.

When King addressed the group, [about 3,000 people] she affirmed that abortion is not a partisan issue and that she would not vote for the Democratic presidential candidate unless he changes his views on abortion before November.

. . . .

Meanwhile, the opening ceremonies of the Democratic National Convention were under way in Denver. The draft of the 2008 Democratic National Platform states: "The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right."