Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keep praying this month and always for the holy souls in purgatory

If only the dead could speak from their graves, they would cry out and say: "All these monuments, and this worldly pageantry only crush us. They only satisfy the vanity of the living, but in no way alleviate our sufferings in purgatory." They would ask:

  • Give us your feet by going to hear Mass for us.
  • Give us your eyes by watching for opportunities to perform good deeds for us.
  • Give us your hands by giving alms or an offering for a Mass.
  • Give us your lips by praying for us.
  • Give us your tongue by encouraging others to be charitable to us.
  • Give us your memory by remembering us in your devotions.
  • Give us your body by offering up to God all its labors, fatigues, and penances for us
From Thirty-Day Devotions for the Holy Souls by Susan Tassone