Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Orare et laborare...and some really good news!

It may seem like a bleak day and that's probably because it is. And while I appreciate the attempts at optimism offered by folks like Jeff Jacoby and Mark Shea, I'm not one to go rah-rah-rah, simply because this country elected a president whose skin color happens to be darker than mine.

On the other hand, there is good news to share!


John 3:16!


In a letter to Mark Shea, David Bereit, Director of 40 Days for Life, writes:

On a day when many are stressed about elections, I just heard from one of our 40 Days for Life local campaign leaders who is bouncing off the walls with the exciting news that the abortion facility that was the focus of their campaign over these last 40 days is CLOSING!!

The "Space Available" real estate sign was put in front of the building on Thursday -- day 37 of the campaign. Yesterday, the local leader confirmed with the real estate company that the abortionist is shutting the business down for good.

We will have more details, including the location, as soon as the facility is closed -- which should happen very soon. But I knew you'd want to know that your prayers have produced an amazing result!

And another INCREDIBLE victory: as reports continue to roll in from around the country about the impact of the 40 Days for Life campaign that just ended, the number of confirmed lives saved during the 40 days is...


Prayer and work. Let's keep it up...and let's continue to praise God!