Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good news from South Carolina, praise God!

The South Carolina state House on Tuesday passed a bill that requires abortion businesses to give women a 24-hour reflection period before an abortion as soon as Wednesday. Legislators also signed off on the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act to protect babies who survive abortions.

The current waiting period is just one hour and state legislators believe 24 hours gives women considering an abortion more time to reflect on its risks and alternatives and will lower the number of abortions.

Yes, 24 times as much time!

If an ultrasound is performed, the waiting period begins after the ultrasound. If no ultrasound is performed, the waiting period begins after the woman receives written materials describing the risks of abortion and alternatives to abortion such as adoption.

This seems to be a bill with some teeth in it.

[Bill sponsor Representative Greg] Delleney says South Carolina requires a 24-hour waiting period before other actions such as obtaining a marriage license and refinancing a house, yet abortion is a life and death decision.

"If you wait 24 hours to be married and three days before you can buy a house," Delleney said. "I don't know how this is such a drastic bill to give the mother 24 hours to determine if she wants to go through with this procedure."

Amen. And as for the Born Alive Act:

...the born alive bill declares that any child who is born alive, including those who survive abortion, have the same constitutional rights as any other person.

An infant born alive “deserves the same rights as anyone else,” Representative Delleney said.

There were no attempts to weaken the bill which passed 105 to 5 and mirrors the federal bill former President Bush signed into law in 2002.

Now, on to the state senate. Pray. Thank you, and thank God.

Source: LifeNews.Com