Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Notre Dame: "decades old elephant in the closet: American Catholics no longer oppose pro-choice politicians"

The reality is that Catholicism in America has quietly become a house divided, and now with one very public act, Notre Dame has dragged into view a decades-old elephant in the room: American Catholics no longer oppose pro-choice politicians.

As the White House shrewdly noted when it fielded the first wave of outrage, half of American Catholics voted for Barack Obama. Home run, Mr. President, as usual.

The White House is aware of the true crux of the issue, and so should we be: Catholicism in America -- as well as the entire pro-life movement -- is a house divided. Indeed, many who say they are pro-life are part of the new president's constituency. The choir is not the choir anymore.

From a Zenit interview with Mariangela Sullivan, founder and director of Notre Dame Action Coalition. Available here.