Sunday, June 07, 2009

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,

Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

It seems to me that if we accept the fact that God is Love (and we do accept this fact, as it was revealed to us by God), then it is nearly impossible not to conclude that God is a triune Being.

No, I'm not attempting to explain the Trinity, nor do I have any real desire to understand the mystery—not in this life, anyway. But it's wonderful to contemplate it, because by doing so I believe I can become closer to knowing, and therefore loving, God even more.

Love doesn't exist in a vacuum, does it? Reason tells us that Love requires an Object. Sure, God loves us but the God = Love fact existed long before our creation; in fact, it exists from all eternity.

Who, then, is the Object of the Supreme Love? If we accept the fact that Jesus is both the Son of God and God Himself (and we do accept this fact, as Jesus revealed it to us) then it isn't much of a stretch to conclude that Love continuously and eternally flows between the Father and the Son, and if we do conclude that, then, again, isn't it reasonable to see this Love as a distinct entity—or Person—and why wouldn't this Person be the Holy Spirit?

Please don't share this reflection with your Sunday School Class!

Because of course I'm no theologian. But, accepting as I do, on faith, the dogma of the Holy Trinity, and knowing through Divine Revelation that God is Love, it gives me great joy to contemplate that unity, that Love, that flows through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And, of course, much solace in knowing that you and I are created to be beneficiaries of this incomparable Love.

A blessed Trinity Sunday to you!