Saturday, October 27, 2012

Prayer to Prevent Assisted Suicide

True Compassion at the End of a Life

O God, source of all life and hope, grant us the grace to see you in others, especially in the poor and vulnerable, the frail and the old.

Look kindly on your sons and daughters who have grown weak through illness and age: fill them with the strength of your Holy Spirit. Keep them firm in faith and serene in hope, that they might give us all an example of patience and joyfully witness to the power of your love.

We pray for our country and for our Commonwealth of Massachusetts: that we might continue to protect and defend the dignity and worth of every human life, created in your image and likeness.

Assist us as we oppose those who, out of misguided mercy, advance the cause of doctor-assisted suicide.

Help us to recognize that to die with dignity is to die in your loving embrace, trusting in your compassionate care for us, and allowing your will be done in us.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us and help us grow in faith and trust, so that your words might become ours:

"Let it be done to me according to God's will."

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Many thanks to Father Jonathan Gaspar, Director of Divine Worship of the Archdiocese of Boston for this prayer. Please. Vote NO on Question 2 in Massachusetts.)