Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Our Prayer" to Our Lady: written by my mom in 1940

My sister Buzzy gave me my mom's diary on my wedding day. While thumbing through it this evening on the day of the Presentation of Our Lady, I was struck by this entry, written in 1940.

"Our Prayer"

Oh, Virgin Pure

Oh, Virgin Fair
Sweet Mary, lily white,

Keep us in thy loving care.
Protect us, day and night.

Watch o'er us when
The days are dark
With life's great trouble
And strife.

Keep within us
A burning spark
A Love for eternal life.

Keep vigil, sweetest Mother dear
When Satan aims his arrow of sin
Coat our souls with an armor of fear
Of Hell's precocious din.

Please give us thy helping hand
When we stumble
In erring way.
Deliver us from the Devil's snare;
Protect us, we humbly pray.