Litany of Christmas Thanks
(Response: Baby Jesus, we thank you.)
For the Blessed Virgin Mary your Mother who said "Yes" to the angel. R/
For John the Baptist who leapt in the womb of Elizabeth his mother when you visited him in Mary. R/
For Joseph your foster father who trusted the angel instead of heeding his own doubts. R/
For the donkey that carried your expectant Mother to Bethlehem. R/
For the neighbor who led your holy family to the stable. R/
For the manger in which you were placed as if in the first tabernacle. R/
For the animals who were there in the first moments that you were adored. R/
For the angels and their song that led shepherds to your stable. R/
For the shepherds who worshiped you and then proclaimed the Good News like priests. R/
For Simeon who all his life had been waiting for you in the temple, longing to hold you. R/
For Anna the prophetess who proclaimed you to all those looking for deliverance and peace. R/
For the star that led the Magi to your manger and your Mother. R/
Loving Father,
all of these Christmas gifts
symbolize how much you love us
with the supreme Gift of your Son, Jesus Christ,
born for us this Christmas day.
We give these gifts to one another to express
how grateful we are for your unfathomable generosity
and to show how eager we are to share that goodness with one another.
Bless these tokens of love and caring.
Never let us get attached to material things,
but rather let the joy flowing from these presents
strengthen our bonds of love, deepen our relationships,
and move us to be more thankful, selfless, and giving all the days of our life.
Thank you for the birth of Jesus,
our brother and our Savior.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning,
is now and will be forever.
by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P.)