Thursday, July 18, 2013

To Patrick Gallegher about his fatal flaw in his BC logic about "divestment."

In an otherwise well written "perspective" article in the Boston Globe Magazine last Sunday, freelance writer Patrick Gallagher 's fatal flaw occurs when he refers to this alma mater—that would be Boston College—and the institution's reluctance to "divest itself" from fossil-fuel companies.

Many university administrations, however, have rejected divestment as a viable option. At BC, spokesman Jack Dunn says the endowment’s purpose is to generate returns that help pay for running the campus. “Placing restrictions on investments is rare and requires a clear and compelling case that a company is engaged in practices opposed to the moral and ethical principles guiding Boston College,” he explains in an e-mail. “It is difficult to make this case in this instance.” 
But it’s precisely BC’s Jesuit identity that should compel it to divest. More than a decade ago, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops recognized climate change as a moral issue and called on people of faith to address a problem that is “about the future of God’s creation.” Then, in 2011, the Vatican offered a similar appeal, calling on people to recognize climate change as something that is “serious and potentially irreversible.” As a recent graduate — and someone who signed the Fossil Free petition — I feel that the administration must divest to properly respond to this obligation.
Here's the flaw in your logic, Mr. Gallagher. Why on earth would you expect your alma mater to pay diddley squat to what the Church, as presented by Her leaders, the Vatican and the United States Bishops, for example, says is a good idea?

May I remind you that, for example, the termination of human life, particularly the innocent unborn (that would be called "abortion,") is far more condemned by the Roman Catholic hierarchy, which includes the Holy Father and the bishops—yes, even the United States bishops!

And yet, your very same alma mater—to whom you plead to take heed of the Church's tenets—honored—yes, honored!—a prime minister dead set on making abortion the law of the land in his country. And ya know, Pat? This isn't exactly the first time good ol' BC has ignored the teachings of the Church. If you don't know that, I'm crying over your naiveté. If you do? 'Fess up, okay, and use another tack for your argument.

May God continue to bless you.