Lois Bragan, a Eucharistic minister from St. Pius Church, consecrates the host on the steps of the closed St. Michael's Church during Good Friday services. St. Micheal's was closed by the Archdiocese in 2006. (Item Photo / Reba M. Saldanha)
I've found five mistakes in this photo caption and picture.
Donna Hartshorn and Lois Bragan, both Eucharistic ministers at St. Pius V Church in Lynn, officiated and doled out Communion wafers. At one point during the ceremony, recorded music from a Mr. Frosty ice cream truck drowned out the prayers. And a cold wind whipped the banner hanging from above the entrance, announcing the church’s 100th anniversary, 1906-2006.
“This was my church,” said Debbie Smalley of Lynn, who attended the ceremony with her children, Jeremy, 10, and Rebecca, 6.
I've found five mistakes in the above quote from the story.
Can you name them? Because I might've missed some.
I'm sorry, but I can't blame the parishioners. They're sheep minus a shepherd. Cardinal O'Malley?
(Thanks to Dom for the story.)