Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King and pro-life advocate
I know the big news is the March on Washington, but I thought you'd be interested in what went on in San Francisco last Saturday.
I've had the privilege of meeting both abortion survivor Gianna Jessen in Washington many years ago...and the opportunity to hear Alveda King speak with then Boston Cardinal Archbishop Bernard Law at my parish rectory some years later. These women's words are etched in my mind.
It is, to me, not coincidental that the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the celebration of the birth of one of America's greatest civil rights leaders are so closely spaced in time.
Not when you consider the fact that the nation's leading provider of abortion was founded to "exterminate the Negro population."
Please God, that the dream, which isn't really a dream but what we call justice, prevails in our time. Amen.