Another reason? I despised hearing the voices of those "on the other side" calling women who underwent abortion "murderers."
Because, when I was, oh, about 16 years old, I had an abortion myself.
This post isn't about that despicable experience—perhaps another post will be.
What shocked me into becoming a fighter for the pro-life cause, is quite simple:
I saw the body of another baby: one I'd miscarried.
He was maybe three-four months in the womb when I lost him. In the emergency room, the doctor, dispassionately but carefully pointed out his arms, legs, and head to a student nurse. Despite his tininess, he was unmistakably a child. Definitely. That was enough for me.
Today, ultrasound tells an amazing truth.
It tells anyone looking at an unborn child that this is, in fact, a living, breathing, marvelous human being. It told that truth, for example, to NARAL founder Bernard Nathanson, M.D., creator of the film "The Silent Scream" and one of this country's staunchest fighters for life.
The truth is hard to fight.
Which is why laws granting a woman contemplating abortion are allowed the opportunity to see her baby prior to making her final decision is a really good idea.
And, which is why I really don't understand why a pro-life worker, linking to this article, would post this commentary on his site:
To save lives? Yes, certainly. But we're also involved in the task of helping ourselves and others achieve salvation! Abortion, indeed, in murder, and murder, indeed, is a sin. Sin separates us from God.
Therefore, it is our duty to cooperate with God's loving grace to do whatever we can to prevent it! It is not our duty or privilege to condemn others...especially others who are trying to do the same thing!
Let's try to remember that just because we're pro-life, doesn't guarantee us a one-way ticket to Heaven. We're only doing what we're expected to do.
Remember Luke 17:10: When you have done all you have been commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.'
(I was moved to write this after reading this post by the Raving Theist.)