Saturday, September 07, 2013

What Do You Give to the Woman Who Has Everything?

Okay, so, officially, Mary's Birthday was bumped because it falls on a Sunday. But that doesn't mean we can't celebrate it! What we need to do is to give her—the Woman Who Has Everything—something she really wants.

And I think I've got it.

The Lady likes to pray.

Scratch that. She loves to pray. She loves to intercede for us No kidding, she really loves doing this!

And hey, how about this? Sunday's—her birthday's—readings? They focus on wisdom!

So. What better present to give to Our Blessed Mother than to 1) honor her as the Seat of Wisdom that she is and 2) ask for the prayers we all know shewants to give us? Make sense? Great! Here we go…

Litany to Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, on the 
Wonderful Occasion of Her Nativity

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for me.

For the wisdom to know that God is in charge, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to know when to speak, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to know when silence is preferable, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to discern God's will at all times, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to understand that God's love extends to all human beings, 
Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to recognize your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in all whom I encounter, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to pray for those whom I hold dear, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to pray for those who have hurt me, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to pray for those I dislike, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to pray for those I perceive to be my enemies, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to strive to emulate your humility, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to always echo your "yes" to God's will, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to embrace ills and sufferings as opportunities to unite myself to Jesus on the Cross, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to put others before myself, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to firmly reject deceit, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to embrace honesty at all times, despite any temporal cost, 
Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to recognize that storing up heavenly treasures that last is infinitely preferable to grasping for earthly treasures that fade away, 
Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to immediately depend and seek reconciliation with God when I sin, 
Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to love God with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength, 
Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to love my neighbor as myself, Mary my Mother, pray for me.

For the wisdom to hold fast to my faith, despite any obstacles placed in my way, 
Mary my Mother, pray for me.

All-holy Father, Eternal God, in your goodness you prepared a royal throne for your Wisdom in the womb of the  Blessed Virgin Mary; bathe your Church in the radiance of your life-giving Word, that, pressing forward on its pilgrim way in the light of your truth, it may come to the joy of a perfect knowledge of your love. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us!

(and hey, Mom...Happy Birthday!)