Whenever we're expecting guests on a certain date, my sweet husband Alden (jocularly, I hope) always says the same thing: "Thank God! Our house will be clean!" [Sheesh.] And he's right! It's time to dust, to vacuum, to change the sheets…all that stuff.
It's a luxury NOT to know the Day of the Lord!
Why? Because if we don't know, we'll always keep our houses — our souls — clean, in anticipation! And it's a joy, or should be, to do so!
What a cool bunch of readings this Sunday!
The parable of the talents is wonderful. Reminds me of the verse of "To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King":
"Thy reign extend, O King benign,
"To every land and nation!
"For in Thy Kingdom, Lord Divine,
"Alone we find salvation!"
How are we helping to extend the Kingdom of God? Through our Talents!
And we all have them. Okay, maybe you're not created to run off to Calcutta and teach and feed and live with the poor. So what?
"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."
Both these quotes are from Saint Teresa of Calcutta. We all have the capacities — the talents — to love. To extend the Kingdom of God.
Enjoy the luxury of not knowing when the end is near...and keep up the cleaning! :-)