When, I wonder, did certain "boards" get the power to tell businesses what they must offer for sale?
I'm a co-owner of an advertising/design studio. Were a potential client to ask us to create an advertising campaign, for, oh let's say for the sake of argument, a local abortion clinic, we would decline. For two reasons. One, it would be morally repugnant. And two, it would be bad for business.
Could some "board of registration in advertising" make us do it? Not yet, seeing that such a board doesn't exist. Yet.
Why should Wal-Mart of any retailer stock something it would prefer not to?
The company has stated repeatedly that there's no real demand for what some health professionals call an abortifacient. But that's not a good enough reason, evidently, for the folks who brought the suit in the first place. In fact, it's, from their point of view, a terrible reason.
There should be a demand, apparently!
Time after time I've seen dramatized the pathetic case of a woman raped. What can she do? Nothing, one is told, unless access to "Plan B" is readily available.
But even the drug's makers don't use that ploy.
Some snippets from the manufacturer's website:
Things do not always go as planned. You might have forgotten to take your pill, or another birth control method you used might have failed, like your condom broke. Now you have a second chance to prevent pregnancy with Plan B.
Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that can still prevent a pregnancy after contraceptive failure or unprotected sex.
Ask your healthcare professional for a prescription in advance, so that it will be there for you — in time — if you ever need it.
Does this sound like words from a knight in shining armor rescuing a maiden in distress?Come on...this is just another way the government is pushing the "pro-choice" agenda.
It's bad business. In more ways than one.