Friday, June 09, 2006

Delaware et al: do we want to fight back?

From today's first reading:

"In fact, all who want to live religiously in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."
(2 Timothy 3:12)

There's no question in my mind that the proposed law in Delaware is aimed at emptying the earthly coffers of the Roman Catholic Church.

H.B. 450 would extend the time to six years after the time of abuse, six years after the abuse is remembered or six years after the time the abuse is recognized as the cause of personal injury.

("Voice of the Faithful" in Delaware is breathless in its support of this new legislation, evidently.)

The American TFP is protesting the bill.

I applaud the group's reasoning.

But I'm torn. Isn't persecution what we're supposed to expect? We're told that the innocent shouldn't suffer, but the innocents have suffered, from the beginning of salvation history. And while I'm under no illusions about what the Church's enemies are after, I wonder...should we expect anything less?

I'm sorry, very sorry, to be such a wimp on this. Unlike most Catholic bloggers, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

On some issues I'm certain. On this one...I'm not.

Any help from you folks? I'd appreciate it.


Sources: Defend the Church in Delaware
Sex Abuse Victims Testify for Bill