Saturday, November 22, 2014

An Act of Adoration by Saint John Paul II

Jesus, our God, Living Bread of Heaven,

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, life and heart of the church

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Radiant Mystery of Faith

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Mystery of Mercy for all mankind

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Center and Summit of the Church’s life

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Source of Charity

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Nourishment of the faithful

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Priceless Treasure of all who receive You

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Love of the Father

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Good Sheppard, Bread Divine

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Divine One who opens our eyes to light and our hearts to new hope

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Source of Holiness

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, poured out for us

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Who was obedient unto death

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Helper of all who come to you

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, fore-taste of the joy of Heaven

R:/ we adore You.

Jesus, our God, Bread of Angels and of pilgrims

R:/ we adore You.

All: Jesus, our God, we adore You for all time, past, present, and future, for every soul that ever was, is, or shall be created. Grant us the grace to comfort YOU. Jesus, I live for you; Jesus, I die for you; Jesus, I am yours—in life and in death. Amen.